There are a lot of things to think about as a home buyer! Every buyer's needs are unique. As a REALTOR®, I can help you navigate the whole process. Please do reach out to me any time with your questions or concerns.
Below I have compiled some links and downloadable resources that will help you become more informed about the homebuying process.
-'s Tips for Home Buyers
- RE/MAX Buying Tips
- RE/MAX Tips for First Time Buyers
- Real Estate Council Alberta Home Buyer's Guide
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Homebuying Step by Step

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home
You've been saving for awhile, weighing your options, looking around casually. Now you've finally decided to do it - you're ready to buy a house. The process of buying a new home can be incredibly exciting, yet stressful, all at once. Where do you start?

Buy or Sell First?
If you are considering looking for a new house, and are a current home-owner, then chances are you're wondering what your strategy should be: do you wait to find the perfect new home before you put your current home on the market, or do you sell first and then look around? You have a few options. Use the following as a guide to explore what might be the best move for you.

Buying a Home: What Expenses to Expect
Budgeting for a new home can be tricky. Not only are there mortgage installments and the down payment to consider, there are a host of other - sometimes unexpected - expenses to add to the equation. The last thing you want is to be caught financially unprepared, blindsided by taxes and other hidden costs on closing day.

Hire the Right Agent, For the Right Reasons: 8 Questions to Ask
Finding a real estate agent who is right for you requires doing a little homework, and asking the right questions. Choosing an agent is a decision that could ultimately cost or save you thousands of dollars. Keep in mind the individual you choose will be handling almost every maneuver in the biggest financial investment of your life. Experience, interests, and expertise vary from agent to agent, so you should be asking very specific questions in order to align your own needs with the abilities of an appropriate representative

Home Inspections: Top Ten Problems
Each homebuyer has different ideas of what will constitute the ideal home for them, these notions often based on particular aesthetic preferences. But one thing that unites all potential homebuyers is the desire to find a home that is fundamentally sound - in areas beyond the immediate sweep of the eye - and that will provide a safe, comfortable, and efficient foundation for their life behind a new door.

How to Set an Offer Price
There is no set equation to determine how you'll reach an offer price. Rather, the process involves a range of research and comparison that will vary with each situation. You'll need to look at sales of comparable properties, and factor in additional data such as the condition of the property, the current market, and seller circumstances. With this information in hand, you will be able to determine a fair price range and, from there, establish the price you're willing to offer.

Know the Market before You Buy
The asking prices of most homes on the market indicate the current state of the market, and usually mirror the prices for which other similar homes in the area have recently sold. In deciding upon a selling price, a home-seller must establish a balance between the desire to draw the highest offer and finding a price that will be reasonable enough to attract an appropriate pool of prospects, and competitive offers. While most selling agents counsel their clients to consider this equation when pricing their home, keep in mind that some homes are not properly priced.

7 Things to Look for in a New Neighbourhood
Whether seeking solace, activity, schools, churches, or green space, every homebuyer looks for a different combination of attributes in a new community. Choosing a neighbourhood that suits your needs and wants is one of the most important decisions you'll make in the home-buying process; your choice of environment will affect the way you experience your new home.

Stop Paying Your Landlord!: Own Your Own Home
The thousands of dollars in rent you've already paid to your landlord may be a staggering figure - one you don't even want to think about. Buying a house just isn't possible for you right now. And it isn't in your financial cards for the foreseeable future. Or is it? The situation is common and widespread: countless people feel trapped in home rental, pouring thousands of dollars into a place that will never be their own - yet they think they're unable to produce a down payment for a home in order to escape this rental cycle. However, putting the buying process into motion isn't nearly as impossible as it may seem. No matter how dire you believe your financial situation to be, there are several little-known facts that may be key to helping you step from a renters rut to home-owning paradise!

Tips for the Moving Process
It's official: you've signed the papers, dotted all the i's and crossed the t's - you own a new home! You've almost reached the end of your journey. However, now, faced with the daunting task of moving, it may seem as though the journey has just begun. Moving can be a time-consuming and stressful experience if you let yourself be overwhelmed by the job. Remember, though, having a successful move means taking care of the details, one by one. If you break the process down into steps and arrange your time accordingly, you can make it manageable.

Top Legal Mistakes to Avoid
The process of buying or selling a house seems to involve a million details. It is important that you educate yourself on as many parts of this process as you can - this knowledge could mean the difference of thousands of dollars in the long-run. The legal issues involved in the process are often particularly intricate, ranging from matters of common knowledge to subtle details that might escape the untrained eye. Any of these issues, if not handled properly, could develop into larger problems